Sanfordb1's Blog

Calling all students!

For the first time Detroit Public Television is hosting a video essay contest with four $1000 scholarship winners!

Enter the DPTV Freedom Riders Video Essay Contest. “Now in 2011, what can you do to make a difference for Civil Rights today?”

Go to for details and to enter. Contest ends June 15, 2011. Four categories: Middle School, High School, Community College and University.

Your video needs to be submitted to me for proofing and send off no later than May 23, 2011.

{March 25, 2011}   BC3 Blog Post 5

In 200-250 words please tell us about your experience working with your clients:

What did you like most about the experience?

What did you like least?

If you could have done things differently, what would you have done and why?

How do you think the digital story turned out?

Did your client seem to enjoy the experience?

What did you learn about working for someone, (esp. trying to bring someone else’s vision to life?) 

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

Due: Thursday, March 31, 2011

Please post a link to your blog and your partner’s blog


Email final project links to:


You are producing 3 Public Service Announcements about Bullying.  These videos must be:

  • 1 minute in length or more per video
  • include facts/statistics about bullying
  • represent in some fashion every member of the group on film
  • must be geared toward: physical bullying, name calling and a wild card issue of your choice
  • must address the student body of Dansville Schools- think about audience. (could gear toward elementary students, middle school students or high school students)
  • should be believeable- think about props, costumes, locations, etc.

Group Leaders:

~Alexis T. ~Joey G.~ Sam W.~ Andrew B.~Kristen B.~ Holden P.~

Projects are Due: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Beginning of Class

***There will be a special prize for the group with the best public service announcements***

Part 1: What I Want To Do!

This is the presentation part of this project… what you will be presenting.  You may chose to do a Powerpoint or a Prezi, just insert the word “frame” for “slide”.

Powerpoint Presentation Rubric[1]

Part 2: Who I Am

Personal Statements are effective ways to tell a future college or university who you are, where you’re from, why they should choose you.  See the examples below for more guidance.

personal statement instructions[1]

Personal Statement Samples[1]

Examples of Successful Statements[1][1]

Part 3: What I Leave Behind

Resumes are the paper trail that you leave behind to show people your skills.  After the interview, the resume is the only thing people will be able to concretely link to you.  Bomb the resume = no job! 😦  See the examples below for how to write a good resume.

Sample Resume

This project is Due: Friday, March 25, 2011

{March 15, 2011}   Blog Post 4

Current Events Post

In 250 words please explain your reaction to what is going on in Japan right now. 

Please include pictures, links to news articles and comment on at least 2 class member’s blogs.

Digital Stories are a cool way to showcase narratives, experiences and stories in an interactive way.  To see examples of digital stories please see the following links:

For this project we will be using two primary sources of technology- Powerpoint to display and time images and transitions and Audacity to record sound.

Part 1: Getting Familiar with the process.  

We will be using fables to help us get familiar with the process of creating digital stories.  The link below is where you will find the fable your group will use to get familiar with the process of making simple digital stories.

The general steps to creating the digital story:

1. Storyboarding- is a technique used to organize your story.  You will have screens to visualize each part of your story including the: image, the media and the narration.

 I will give you copies of these storyboarding sheets in class.  If you lose them or need more copies click the link below to print more.

2. After you have completed the storyboard for your project you will need to find images online to represent the different parts of your story.  Google images is a good place to start looking, some other good websites for images include:

Make sure that you save all of your images in your web folder once you have found them.  It is a good idea to number your panels on your story board and label your images to correspond to the panels.

3. Once you have found and saved your images, you will need to start recording the sound for your story.  You will be using a program called Audacity to do this.  When reading your narration, be sure that each group member has a chance to read. Make sure you are speaking clearly into the microphone.  Make sure that you are recording in a place that is relatively quiet, without a lot of background noise.  Make sure that you are pausing during each narration to give yourself time to transition between slides and images. When you are done recording you will need to export your sound file as a .wav  Then save it in your music folder.  If you skip this step you will have trouble accessing your narration in Powerpoint

If for any reason your computer doesn’t already have this program downloaded you can do that here:

If you are absent the days we explore audacity in class you can find a tutorial here to help you:

4.  Once you have completed recording your narration in Audacity and exporting the as a .wav file you will need to open Powerpoint and begin arranging your images on individual slides.  The images should take up the entire slide.  Make sure you are choosing good size images, so that when you format them, they don’t look stretched out. You will need to add transitions between slides, think about titles, etc. 

5. Once all the images are on their own slide you will be adding your sound under the animation tab.  Instead of choosing a preloaded sound, you will select other to access the sounds in your personal web folder.  You will be adding your narration .wav file that you created in Audacity. The sound will play over the entire presentation.

6. Once your sound is uploaded, you will be timing the slides to transition automatically in sync with your narration.  You will do this under the rehearse timing tab. Make sure that you are saving your changes often!

7. Once you have customized the timing of your slides, watch your presentation several times to make necessary changes to slides, timing, etc.  You will probably need to do this at least 3 times through.

8. When you are satisfied with your final show upload a link of your show on your blog.  Make sure that each group member has a link to your project on their individual blog.

These are the general steps to digital storytelling.  We will be repeating this process 3 times using 3 different stories.  So get the most out of this first go through, the level of difficulty will increase each time! 🙂

et cetera