Sanfordb1's Blog

For the final post on your blog you will be asked to write a 350word Critical Reflection about your work in Productions class.

  1. Describe- Give a brief overview of what you were able to produce during the course of this class.  How you participated in the class, with groups, work products, etc.  Be sure to give some instances of times when you have gone above and beyond the call of duty to finish a project, help a classmate, etc.
  2. Analyze- List some specific instances where you worked well on a project tell why you think it went well.  List some specific instances where you didn’t work well on a project.  Tell what went wrong, any changes you would make, etc.  Does your grade represent the work you produced?  Does your work produced represent your capabilities? Why or Why not? 
  3. Reflect on Learning- Looking back over the past semester, how has your work changed?  List some areas of growth in knowledge or expertise.  Be sure to use specific examples from your work.  Name some things that you have learned about Productions.  List some things you wished you would have learned. 

Make sure to use proper grammar and spelling conventions.  I suggest you type in Microsoft word and then paste your work onto your blog site.  This project is due (published on your blog): Thursday, January 26, 2012 by the end of the class hour. 

For this project you will be creating a mini-documentary about yourself, hence the name all about me project.  This project must be done individually. Please remember that your content must be school appropriate.  Refrain from including inappropriate pictures, music or videos of you or anyone else.

Genre: Mini Documentary

Time: 3-4 minutes


  • Three interviews- 1 from parent or sibling, 1 from close friend, 1 from coach/teacher/neighbor/boss/grandparent, etc.
  • Pictures giving a timeline of your life so far or Homevideos of you growing up (We should see an age progression through the images)
  • Awards, Honors, Hobbies, Clubs, Sports
  • A glimpse into the future (where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15, 20 years)
  • A few of your favorite things


  • Please present the information in chronological order- start with the past, then the present, then move on to the future.
  • Please be sure to include 5 second intro (title of project, your name and picture) with your favorite song.
  • Please be sure to end with a transition to rolling credits with your favorite song (make sure to include special thank-yous to anyone who appeared in the video.
  • Voice over narration- choose any part of the video to include at least 30 seconds of voice over narration.  (Examples: Consider telling the story of your childhood, explaining a few of your favorite things, etc.)

Video Production Considerations:

  • Avoid dead air- times with no narration or music playing
  • Make sure to include clean transitions between clips
  • During interviews add a bottom title with the person’s name who is being interviewed.
  • Use flattering camera angles (remember bust shots, talking heads, etc.)
  • Clean footage (no fingers, no shaky shots- use a tripod if necessary)
  • Sound Volume- make sure you are adjusting the volume between clips; the sound should be consistent throughout.

Be creative- make sure the tone of the documentary reflects your personality, make choices based on the tone you want to reflect. (Consider fonts, colors, transitions, music they all should be consistent and add to the overall tone of your documentary)

This project is due Wednesday, January 25, 2012 by the end of the hour.  Because this counts as your final grade please remember that you cannot do any re-takes on this project and all late projects will be marked down.  I will not accept any late projects after Thursday, January 26, 2012 at the end of the 5th hour class (class ends at 2:44 pm). 

Please click the link below to take the work habits rubric survey.

Work Habits Survey

This survey must be completed by: Wednesday, January 18, 2012

{January 10, 2012}   MLK Day Video Presentation

For this project you will be creating a documentary style presentation about MLK. 

Theme: MLK, a person of influence

Time Length: 4 minutes-5 minutes

Genre: Documentary Style

Due Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 by the end of the hour.

Must Includes:

  1. Content:
  • Biographical Information about MLK
  • 3 snippets (audio, video or still images) from his speeches, marches, etc.
  • Interviews from at least 3 people, not in Productions class, about MLK or closely related topic

       2.    Video:

  • 3 -5 second intro with title of documentary, students names and music 
  • Transition to close with rolling credits with music
  • Voiceovers of recorded research exported from Audacity
  • Utilization of Camera techniques (steady filming including use of tripods if necessary, different angles, bust shots, panning, zooming, stills)
  • Clean editing (transitions where appropriate, subtitle captions announcing the person/event, consistent sound volumes among clips)
  • Style fitting of documentary tone, consistent throughout documentary.

      3.    Ideas for Documentary: You might consider using one or more of the following guiding questions to shape your documentary.

  • What makes MLK a person of influence?
  • What was MLK’s concept of freedom as outlined in his I Have a Dream speech?  Do you think we have accomplished his ideas?
  • Compare MLK with other, modern day people of influence
  • What are the ideas people have about the American Dream today?
  • How have (or have not) race relations in America changed since the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s?
  • Compare and contrast the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s with the Civil Rights issues of today.
  • Any other topic not seen here, but approved by teacher.

Rubric for Grading Video Project:

Productions- MLK Documentary Rubric


Group 1  Tylor  Matt
Group 2  Chelsea  Nick
Group 3  Monica  Maggie
Group 4  Laura  Ricky
Group 5  Garrett  James
Group 6  Devin  Adam
Group 7  Becca  Rachael H.
Group 8  Tiffany  Brookelle
Group 9  Jared  Rachel D.
Group 10  Desarae  Kelsey
Group 11  Tom  Kaitlyn
Group 12  Alex  Jesse
Group 13  Andrew  Tristan
Group 14  Amanda  Derrick
Group 15  Trent  Jordan

{January 8, 2012}   Production Assignment 17

MLK Day Video Project

Starting on Tuesday you will begin working on a video for MLK Day 2012.  In order to prepare you for this project I would like you to click on the link below and listen to the MLK I Have a Dream speech.  Please complete the following steps and post your answers to your blog no later than: Monday, January 9, 2012 by the end of the day.


  •  Open the link to the audio file below in a new window.  As you are listening to the I Have a Dream Speech, take notes on the important ideas that Dr. King brings up. Write these notes down in a word document and post these notes to your blog as a media link, save  the document as your last name, MLK Speech Notes.  (for example: Sanford, MLK Speech Notes) 

  • Answer the following questions on your blog after you have completed your notes.
  1. What are the key words MLK repeats throughout the speech that might stand out in the minds of audience members?  Please pick 5 of these words and write a definition for these words.
  2. Pick three quotes from the speech that stand out to you.  Type them out and tell why they stood out to you.
  3. What images does MLK draw on in the speech to create pictures in the listeners’ minds?Find 5 images and attach them to your blog post.

If for any reason you cannot access the audio file above, the speech transcripts are available at the link below so that you can read the speech:


{January 5, 2012}   Production Assignment 16

Stages of Video Production

This assignment will give you concrete steps that need to be accomplished in the three stages of video production.  Look at the link, read the content of the link and then answer the question that follows.

1. Make a list of all the steps that have to be accomplished in the pre-production stage of a video.  Summarize each step in 1-2 sentences.

2. List the seven steps of the production phase of making a video and summarize each step in 1-2 sentences.

3. List all the steps that need to be followed in the post production stage of making a video.  Summarize each step in 1- 2 sentences.

This assignment needs to be completed and posted on your blog with the title Production Assignment 16 by the end of the day on Thursday, January 5, 2012.

{January 3, 2012}   Production Assignment 15

Assignment Jay Walking!

This assignment is due at the end of the hour on Friday, January 6, 2012.

Assignment Jay Walking

Please make sure that you include people who are not in Productions class and that you include people of varying ages.

Example of Jay Walking Clip

Group 1 Kelsey, Laura, Brookelle, Maggie
Group 2 Andrew, Derrick, Jordan
Group 3 Rachel D., Desarae, Rachael., Kaitlyn
Group 4 Adam, Becca, Tiffany
Group 5 Jesse, Tristan, Trent, Amanda
Group 6 Alex, Monica, Jared, Chelsea
Group 7 James, Ricky, Matt, Devin
Group 8 Tom, Nick, Tylor, Garrett

et cetera